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Telephone Fax Credanet II User’s Guide - Issue 3 Feb Page 16 Table of Contents 2. Creda Newera TSR18AW Manuals User Guides User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Creda Newera TSR18AW Electric Heater, Heater. Database contains 1 Creda Newera TSR18AW Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Assembly instruction manual. View and Download Creda NewEra S assembly instruction manual online. TSR Electric Storage Heaters. NewEra S electric heater pdf manual download. Also for: Newera /6s, Newera tsr6aw, Newera trs6mw.

1 Jan View and download the Manual of Creda TCW Tumble Dryer (page 1 of 24) This Instruction Book must be kept handy for reference as it. As these particular instructions refer to the assembly and installation of a new heater, they should be retained by the installer; not left behind for the user. from Creda Heating. TSR Electric Storage Heaters. Owners Guide. Automatic. Manual. Model Nos: Please use the following instructions as a guide.


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