Counseling practicum and internship manual

CEPR Practicum and Internship Manual. Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling and School Counseling: Master’s and Doctoral Levels. This manual is intended to introduce students and supervisors to the Department of Counseling Educational Psychology and Research’s Counseling programs’ expectations.  · Review the Practicum Internship Manual for instructions on establishing a new site or maintaining a clinical site, especially pages which focus on the site supervisor and site requirements. Complete the Site Information Form () We will post this to our website so potential interns can review it; you will need to download it and edit it with Adobe Reader to save your changes. The basic purpose of the practicum and internship program is to allow counseling students to apply knowledge, skills, and professional values to actual practice settings in the community. The on-site work experience provides an opportunity to integrate theory and practice.

Review the Practicum Internship Manual for instructions on establishing a new site or maintaining a clinical site, especially pages which focus on the site supervisor and site requirements. Complete the Site Information Form () We will post this to our website so potential interns can review it; you will need to download it and edit it with Adobe Reader to save your changes. The Counseling Practicum and Internship Manual, Second Edition: A Resource for Graduate Counseling Students 2nd Edition by Shannon Hodges PhD LMHC NCC ACS (Author) out of 5 stars 75 ratings. The Practicum and Internship Coordinator is a faculty member or administrator in the Department of Counseling whose primary duties include collaboration with faculty to provide oversight of all practicum and internship experiences. The Practicum and Internship Coordinator establishes the due dates for practicum and internship applications, reviews.

The Counseling Practicum and Internship Manual: A Resource for Graduate By Shannon Hodges, PhD, LMHC, NCC, ACS. About this book. For many counseling students, the first experience with a counseling practicum or internship can be daunting. With this manual, students in practicum and. Dear Supervisor,. Thank you for your commitment to invest in Liberty University Counseling Interns. Practicum students have completed the majority of their.


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