Chattanooga fluidotherapy manual

Chattanooga Fluidotherapy ® User Manual. Loading Document Chattanooga - Fluidotherapy by Chattanooga. Download PDF. Product Details. Forums; Documents; Videos; News; Request a quote Request Parts Add to My Bench. This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. FEATURES. Single Extremity and Double Extremity Fluidotherapy units. Continuous and Pulse modes of operation. Treatment times can be set from minutes. Adjustable air speeds of %. Units are provided with a wake-up pre-heat timer to warm up the unit prior to use. Dry Heat increases circulation and assists in pain relief. Thank you for purchasing the Chattanooga Group, Fluidotherapy Dry Heat Therapy Unit. This manual contains general safety, operating, maintenance and care instructions for the owners and operators of the Fluidotherapy Dry Heat Therapy Units. At the time of publication the information contained herein was current and up to date. However, due to continualFile Size: KB.

Fluidotherapy¨ Dry heat therapy. Fluidization causes finely divided particles to acquire the characteristics of fluid. Evidence-Based Guide to Therapeutic Physical Agents. So how does this work Fluidotherapy is a dry thermal physical agent that transfers its energy (i.e. heat) to soft tissues by forced convection. ® User Manual; Chattanooga Fluidotherapy ® User Manual. Loading Document Chattanooga - Fluidotherapy by Chattanooga. Download PDF. Product Details. Forums. manual_Chattanooga_Group_Fluidotherapy_FLUD_Service_Manual Identifier-ark ark://t49q1tm47 Ocr ABBYY FineReader (Extended OCR) Page_number_confidence.

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