Written by 30 professional horsemanship instructors from the United States and Canada. This four level manual contains a complete program for all levels of riders, wiht many illustrations by noted author and illustrator, Susan Harris.5/5(1). Certified Horsemanship Association – Find CHA Certified Equine Professionals. Changing Lives Through. Safe Experiences With Horses. Find An Equine Professional or Barn Near You. Find Now. Provided by Megan Stapley Photography. Industry Leader in Horsemanship. Education Certification. CHA Composite Manual of Horsemanship other great resources today. NOTES TO INSTRUCTORS ON TESTING The goals of Level 1 are a good foundation of safe, secure and simple basics. Requirements for Level 1 may be tested: ' Individually In a group By checking off each requirement as the rider passes each one.
Written by 30 professional horsemanship instructors from the United States and Canada. This four level manual contains a complete program for all levels of riders, wiht many illustrations by noted author and illustrator, Susan Harris. First published in as the camp Horsemanship Manual, the reference guide now called the Composite Manual of Horsemanship was a much needed and unique horsemanship resource. Today, it represents collaboration from equine professionals in a variety of disciplines, professionals from all across the US and Canada. The CHA Composite Horsemanship Manual contains a tried-and-true curriculum for the safest and most effective methods of teaching horsemanship. It is one of the most comprehensive manuals of horsemanship on the market today, representing four levels of horsemanship in English, Western and trail riding.
CHA certifies instructors and trail guides, accredits equestrian facilities, publishes educational manuals and hosts regional and international conferences. Store Home > Educational Manuals. Featured Products. Composite Horsemanship Manual The Equine Professional Manual - The Art of Teaching Riding. CHA Riding Instructor and Trail Guide Manual. Front Cover. CHA Certified Horsemanship Association. CHA Certified Horsemanship Association,