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The Alinco DJT dual band transceiver does so much, yet it's remarkably easy to use. Full of advanced features, the DJT offers simple programming and operation, powerful output and the optional capability of adding digital voice communications to your operations. Manuals, diagrams and brochures Alinco DJT/E Mk II Instruction manual PDF - Unknown size, submitted by RigReference Alinco DJ Service manual PDF - Unknown size, submitted by RigReference Upload relevant documents. View and Download Alinco DJT instruction manual online. Dual Band FM Transceiver. DJT transceiver pdf manual download. Also for: Dje.
ALINCO. DUAL BAND FM TRANSCEIVER. DJT/E. OLTARE. OOOOO installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may. Alinco DJ MkII - Twinband handheld transceiver. VHF/UHF Tx/Rx including cross-band split operation memory channels, any mix of UHF/VHF. Alinco DJT 2M/ Amateur HT. The Alinco DJT dual band transceiver does so much, SS HH PK2, Handheld Pack #2 clone utility software CD.