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MA Caliber Pistol and Manual. The caliber MA1 is a recoil-operated semiautomatic pistol with a 7-round clip. Powerful, durable and highly reliable, it is magazine-fed, firing one round each time the trigger is squeezed, once the hammer is cocked by prior action of the slide or thumb. This design is referred to as "single action. instructions in this manual, have any problems operating your Hi-Point pistol or need another copy of this manual, contact Iberia Firearms for model JCP 40SW or +DVNHOO 0DQXIDFWXULQJ IRU PRGHO -+3 $3 XVLQJ WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ SURYLGHG EHORZ JCP 40SW Iberia Firearms State Route Galion, OH () www.doorway.ru JHP 45ACP. A collection of manuals and instructions related to firearms, handheld weapons, and other related products. Includes scanned manuals, flyers, walkthroughs, and advertising. Browning Machine Gun Cal MA4 MA6 TM Topics: maintenance, barrel, defective, repair, replace, assembly, code, machine, dia, pin, repair parts.

Find your Hi-Point® firearm model listed below and click the link to download a copy of the manual! MODEL C9 (9MM)/CF (ACP)/CF COMP MODEL JCP 40 (40SW)/JHP 45 (45ACP). US Army Operator's Maintenance Manuals for the MA1 Caliber Semiautomatic Pistol: Consisting of TM Operator?s Manual TM Direct Support Maintenance Manual [US Army, Shrier, Patrick J] on www.doorway.ru *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Manuals This collection of owner’s manuals is provided for your convenience, offering detailed information about use and care of Thompson/Center Arms™ brand firearms. If you don't find your firearm listed, please contact our Customer Service Department at or email us at tca_customerservice@www.doorway.ru

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