· The Leica M N / M /M surgical microscope is an optical instrument which uses magnification and illumination to improve visibility. It is dedicated mainly for Neurosurgery discipline. The microscope is always used together with a Leica stand system . Leica DM Manual de usuario 2 Publicado en octubre de por: Leica Microsystems (Schweiz) AG Max Schmidheiny Strasse CH Heerbrugg (Suiza) Si desea formular alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con la línea de atención al cliente: www.doorway.rut@www.doorway.ru Información del fabricanteFile Size: 1MB. • Leica M series Optics carrier. • Variable objective lens mm. • Leica M dual stereo attachment. • 2 Leica degree inclinable binos. • 4 Leica 10x widefield eyepieces. • Pistol grip hand controls. • OHS-1 floorstand. • Xenon W light. Revised 1/14/ Leica MN OHS-1 .
Leica M Pricing. Pricing for the Leica M is dependent on a number of factors. We are happy to provide more details on cost and availability at or + outside of the U.S. You can also use the contact form at the bottom of this page to request pricing on the Leica M or any other microscope in our catalog. Leica DM , DM B Manual 11 Information for the person responsible for the instrument Information for the person responsible for the instrument Ϙ Ensure that the Leica DM or DM B microscope is used only by qualified person - nel. Ϙ Ensure that this user manual is always avail - able at the Leica DM or DM B micro-scope. Leica Microsystems M Manuals / Documents. Service Manual. Leica Microsystems - M by Leica Microsystems. Product Details. Forums; Documents; Videos; News; This.
Leica Mn optics head; Leica OHS counterbalanced stand, with automatic digital control; Three binocular surgeons heads; Video port with digital camera head. The individual modules of the Leica M stereo- microscopy series include an interactive. CD-ROM with all relevant user manuals in 20 other languages. MTU Beamsplitter M, 50/50% observation. Microscope carrier perpendicular or inclined - according customer's order.