USER MANUAL MODEL: VPA Presentation Switcher/Scaler Rev 5P/N: Kramer Electronics, Ltd. PRELIMINARY USER MANUAL Models: VPxl, Presentation Switcher / Scaler. VPxl, Presentation Switcher / Scaler. VPxl. KRAMER ELECTRONICS LTD. USER MANUAL MODEL: VP Scaler-Switcher. VP Operating Instructions Version K (Includes changes made in firmware version F) IMPORTANT NOTICE: When using extreme shrink to drive LED videowall modules the On Screen Display menu of VP may become hardly readable. For this reason there is a front .
MODE For the VPxl, VPxl, VPxl and VPxl: Toggle between each of the following modes: Normal, Presentation, Cinema, Nature, User 1 and User 2 For the VPDS and VPDSA: Toggle between each of the following groups: video, audio, video and audio, scaler, master, and scaler and master. VPxl/VPxl/VPxl /VPxl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Power cord2 Infra-red remote control transmitter Null-modem adapter This user manual3 2 Getting Started We recommend that you: Unpack the equipment carefully and save the original box and packaging materials for possible future shipment Review the contents of this user manual. View and Download Kramer VPx1 user manual online. Presentation Switcher / Scaler. VPx1 switch pdf manual download. Also for: Vpx1, Vpx1, Vpx1.
I have a Kramer VPxl currently being used as a projection input but I found it to be pretty crummy for use as a proc amp + TBC. Figure 1: VPxl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Front Panel. 6. Figure 2: VPxl 3 Download up-to-date Kramer user manuals from our Web site at. KRAMER製品をお買い求めいただきありがとうございました。 ご使用前に同梱の USER MANUALをよくお読みいただき、本資料と共に. 大切に保管してください。.