It’s an HD world out there. High definition (HD) is definitely easier on the eyes. As compared to standard definition, HD gives you more vivid detail, finer gradations, . · HEPG Switches between Humax EPG and Standard EPG.(Not available in IR-ACE II UBI)! ** STANDBY Switches between operation and standby modes. ** GUIDE Displays the standard EPG. ** EXIT Closes and returns to the previous menu. ** OK Selects a menu or confirms the selected www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 13 mins. Summary of Contents of user manual for Humax IR-ACE II. Page 2 uuuub ** Thank you for purchasing a HUMAX product. Please read this user’s manual carefully to be able to safely Page 3 uuuub ** Warnings, Cautions and Notes Throughout the whole manual, pay special attention to the following marks that indicate.
Humax plus IR-ACE II, IR-FREE, IR-TWIN User Manual. Throughout the whole manual, pay special attention to the following marks that indicate hazardous situations. Find DVB Receiver Humax IR-ACE II from China Manufacturer, Manufactory, Factory and Supplier - Joysats Technology Co., Ltd. on Summary of Contents of user manual for Humax IR-ACE II. Page 2 uuuub ** Thank you for purchasing a HUMAX product. Please read this user’s manual carefully to be able to safely Page 3 uuuub ** Warnings, Cautions and Notes Throughout the whole manual, pay special attention to the following marks that indicate.
Hello, i think you can find it there on the manual of your device. "The default pass code for your humax ir-ace ii device is just simply ". HD and SD Satellite receiver with Irdeto Smart Card Slot Both Humax IR-ACE S and Humax IR-ACE M with digital display available IMMEDIATELY! China Channels Dvb-s Humax If Free Mpeg-2 Satellite Receiver With HUMAX IR ACE II Channel search in automatic, manual and network search.