Highways Division Rights of Way Manual Special Use Lanes. Standard Specifications The Standard Specifications is used for highway design and construction in Hawaii’s transportation infrastructure. Statewide Highway Shoreline Protection Study (Part 1) Statewide Highway Shoreline Protection Study (Part 2). Table of Contents Publication 13M (DM-2) Edition - Change #1 TOC - 1 DESIGN MANUAL, PART 2 HIGHWAY DESIGN. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER SUBJECT PAGE. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESIGN. HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL. Chapter 2. Design Criteria. Revision 96 (Limited Revision) Ap. Issued by Engineering Bulletin Effective with Design Approval on or after September 1,
The primary functions of the Highway Design Manual (HDM) are to: (1) provide design criteria, requirements, and guidance on highway design methods and policies which are as current as practicable, and (2) assure uniformity in the application of design practices throughout the New York State Department of Transportation consistent with the collective experience of the Department of Transportation, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and the Federal Highway. Table of Contents Publication 13M (DM-2) Edition - Change #1 TOC - 1 DESIGN MANUAL, PART 2 HIGHWAY DESIGN. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER SUBJECT PAGE. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESIGN. HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL. Chapter 2. Design Criteria. Revision 96 (Limited Revision) Ap. Issued by Engineering Bulletin Effective with Design Approval on or after September 1,
Environmental Factors Influencing Design. Relationship to Roadway Design. Highway Capacity Manual Method. The 7th Edition Highway Design Manual (HDM) establishes uniform policies and procedures to carry out the state highway design functions of the California. Highway Safety Design Standards Manuals: Part 1 – Road Safety Design Manual and Part 2 – Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual.