This textfile is made from the original commodore 64 manual to GAC. (Head over heels) similar to mirror, but invers the picture either up/down or left/right. Line (L) The first press of the 'L' key sets one end of a line which can then be drawn using the cursor keys. The second press fixes the line. 5. Both Heels's bag and Head's hooter must be collected at the initial stages for there to be any chance of completing the game. 6. If Head and Heels are in the same room, extra jumping height may be obtained by on jumping off the other's back. 7. Find a safe spot and get used to how far Head and Heels may move over the edge of a brick before. Head over Heels ()(Ocean)[a]Developed byOcean Software www.doorway.ruedAlso ForAmiga, Amstrad CPC, Amstrad PCW, Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Commodore 64, iPad, Missing: manual.
Head Over Heels - presented at Theme music starts at Swedish readers; more info about the music at Is there anyone who have been through Head Over Heels with or without cheats? I think that is one of the most impossible C64 games, or is there anything more difficult? Some levels of Bubble Bobbel are very hard. Head Over Heels includes a professionally printed, full-color box, manual, and game cartridge. Currently there are no reviews for this product. Share your opinion with others, be the first to write a review.
Head Over Heels es un juego de Ocean para Commodore Amiga. Head Over Heels on Commodore 64 / C Gameplay Commentary. 6, views • Dec 8, • -. Head over Heels for Atari XL XE by Hit Squad (The), [n/a], screenshot, dump, ads, commercial, instruction, catalogs, roms, review, scans, tips.