nicating thermostat, lithium coin cell battery, wall mounting screws and anchors, system installa-tion guide, operating manual, transformer and a wiring set that includes two terminal blocks, two sheet metal screws and wires. 2. Carefully separate . ComfortNet™ Communicating Thermostat 5 EFS—01 FAN MCR • On: Fan is always on. • Auto: Fan runs only when heating or cooling system is on. • Circulate: Fan runs randomly, about 35% of the time (residential models only). • Follow Schedule: Fan controlled by program (see pages ). Goodman Mfg GC Thermostat User Manual. Open as PDF. of 4. SS- GTS-C 6/ Supersedes 7/ D igital R oom t heRmostats. foR C ommeRCial a ppliCations. f eatuRes.
Operating Manual EFS—01 6 Automatic MCR SYSTEM MCR System settings Press any displayed option Press SYSTEM, then select any option (press s or t to scroll menu): • Heat: Thermostat controls only the heating system. • Cool: Thermostat controls only the cooling system. • Automatic: Thermostat selects heating or cooling as. this manual, the precautions listed here take precedence. DESCRIPTION This single pole double throw thermostat device with adjust-able 0° to 45° temperature range is employed in conjunction with the room thermostat to control the electric heaters that have been added to cooling and heat pump products. This kit. 1. Set the thermostat to its lowest setting. 3. Remove control access panel. automatic ignition system which 4. This appliance is equipped with an 3. Turn off all electric power to the 2. Set the thermostat to lowest setting. 5. Remove control access panel. try to light the burners by hand. 6. Move the gas control switch or knob.
Installer: Affix all manuals adjacent to the unit. Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P.. North Loop West, Suite , Houston, TX Goodman or Amana® brand condenser or heat pump. TheAEPF models are equipped with an manual. Air Handlers are intended for use with a room thermostat. The precautions listed in this Installation Manual are with the thermostat for mounting instructions and Goodman® Brand products.