User manual | EMC Connectrix DSM Fibre Channel Switch Specification Sheet EMC Connectrix DSM Fibre Channel Switch The EMC® Connectrix® DSM Fibre Channel switch combines up to 32 ports of 4 Gigabit per second (4Gb/sec) performance with high availability and ports-on-demand scalability to support mission-critical storage area. 12 EMC Connectrix B Series DSB Hardware Reference Manual Introducing the Connectrix DSB Connectrix DSB overview The Connectrix DSB is an Enterprise class 1U, port Fibre Channel 1, 2, 4 or 8 Gbps Fibre Channel switch that offers the next generation, single-chip architecture for Storage Area Networks (SANs). EMC Connectrix M Series DSM Fibre Channel Switch User Guide iii Contents Preface.
Manuals, documents, and other information for your product are included in this section. Currently, there is no online documentation for your selected product. For the best possible service, please provide the name of the product and your preferred language to and we will email you the document if it's available. EMC End of Life Hardware List and Support Options. Find the current EMC end of life list below. is able to service EMC Storage well after the End of Life period. Our own warehouse and logistics allow us to maintain and repair EMC storage systems at least seven years after the EOL date expires. Send request. Once there, you can select the CMCNE or CMDCE buttons to get the product Release notes and User Guides. The DSM product is very old and is no longer supported by EMC as of January Also, I believe CMCNE x and greater stopped supporting this model. Good Luck!.
Product 1 - 16 Connectric M Series DSM Fibre Channel Switch User Guide,. P/N V. Connectrix EDM 2 Gbit Fibre Channel Director User Guide. Manualzz provides technical documentation library and question answer a community-based project which helps to repair anything. About us DMCA /. Connectrix M Series DSM Fibre Channel Switch User Guide,. P/N ◇. Connectrix M Series DSM Fibre Channel Switch User Guide.