Edius 5 user manual

Click this button to display the [Audio Channel Map] dialog box of EDIUS 5. (5) [Preset] Register the settings as a preset. Creating Audio Channel Map Preset (6) [Bit stream] Set the audio pass through. Use the track header to place an audio channel of the source clip to a desired track. 1) Double-click the EDIUS icon on the desktop. The entry screen for the serial number is displayed only when EDIUS is started for the first time. 2) Activate the serial number. Activate the serial number according to the on-screen instructions. EDIUS 9 (EDIUS Workgroup 9, EDIUS Pro 9) EDIUS 8 (EDIUS Workgroup 8, EDIUS Pro 8) EDIUS 7 (EDIUS Elite 7, EDIUS Pro 7) EDIUS (EDIUS Elite, EDIUS Pro ) EDIUS Neo EDIUS Express Optional licenses for above generations The trial version products of Grass Valley are also be linked to eID.

EDIUS Pro 8 Topic Library www.doorway.ru EDIT ANYTHING F September Version 3) Activate EDIUS ID. Active EDIUS ID according to the on-screen instruction. Once EDIUS ID is correctly activated, the possessed serial number and EDIUS ID are linked, and EDIUS is started. If EDIUS ID is not registered, click [Create EDIUS ID] to register EDIUS ID. Grass Valley EDIUS v User Manual. Loading The design, manufacture and support of video hardware and software products and related systems. The method of operation for quality certification is defined in the KEMA General Terms And Conditions For Quality And Environmental Management Systems Certifications.

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