· My Drayton digistat RF2 wireless system not working? Hi all. Please can you help with some advice. I have a Drayton Digistat RF1 wireless thermostat on my landing, not too far from the boiler. I also have the Drayton Digistat SCR (receiver) connected to the boiler. DIGISTAT PROGRAMMABLE 24 HOUR ROOM THERMOSTAT SYSTEM Radio frequency controlled programmable room thermostat. LARGE RECEIVER: 24CDi, 26CDi Xtra, 28CDi, 35CDi Mk I and 35CDi Mk II SMALL RECEIVER: 24i Junior, 28i Junior and Si Mk II INSTRUCTION MANUAL OPERATING AND INSTALLATION 2 1 HEATING ON SIGNAL OVE RRIDE LEARN . For Drayton Digistat RF Models Digistat RF1 Digistat RF2 Digistat RF3 Digistat RF3i Data Sheet: S03 For additional information on fault finding on the SCR unit please see data sheet S SCR Fault Finding Flow Chart The unit is now working correctly Call heating engineer Yes Proceed from data sheet S Drayton RF Digistat SCR Fault Finding.
About the Drayton Digistat+RF. View the manual for the Drayton Digistat+RF here, for free. This manual comes under the category Thermostat and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a This manual is available in the following languages: English. If more than one ‘wireless system’ is fitted within the same property. ie. for controlling 2 or more zones (multi-zone) it is essential that the Digistat RF units are matched correctly to the relevant SCR. MANUAL OVERRIDE The heating can be manually switched on and off by using the ‘OVERRIDE’ button on the SCR in a fault situation, even though the red LED will stay on until a satisfactory signal is reinstated. Once the SCR receives a satisfactory signal again, it will automatically reset itself for normal operation. Digistat RF 1 ‘Wireless System’.
· My Worcester digistat displays an unusual symbol (a sort of systems wi You would think buying a brand new Wireless Thermostat from a. checked the times with regards to AM and PM settings. Has the screen ever shown a display? Drayton Digistat RF Transmitter. Wireless System Fault Finding Guide. 5 Drayton Digistat RF Transmitter Wireless System Fault Finding Guide Proceed from For Drayton Digistat RF Models Digistat RF1 Digistat RF2 Digistat RF3.