Diamond bb7v manual

 · Is anyone using the BB7V Vertical HF Antenna from Diamond? What experience can you tell me about this antenna? My space is limited and no way to use an dipole etc.. How important is an ATU? because the manual says that ATU is not of importance? I appreciate your recommends. 73's TA3QD / Ozer. It’s simply a 22 foot vertical with a unun. Nothing more. Laws of physic indicate poor efficiency on low bands, well that’s the case. On the bands I planned to use it (), it play well with signal reports as good as with my previous antenna, a HF5V dipole also from Diamond. However the real advantage of the BB7V is bandwidth.  · Diamond Antenna BB7V broadband vertical antennas provide coverage from 2 MHz to 30 MHz without radials. Typically a tuner is required for most frequencies. In their nested configuration, they are only 60 in. long and weigh in at lbs. Diamond BB7 antennas have 6 telescoping sections that extend to a length of 22 ft. when fully deployed/5(8).

The new BB7V multiband vertical antenna provides coverage from 2 MHz to 30 MHz without radials and requires the use of a tuner. In its nested configuration it is only 60” long and weighs in at pounds. It has 6 telescoping sections that extend to a length of 22 feet when fully deployed. CD BB7V is designed as wide band (MHz). Cumbersome adjustment the frequency is not necessary. Since Simple connect structure that any tool is not needed is employed, making portable operation is converuent. Antenna can be assembled for a short time. Total length is m when containing the antenna element. Carrying the antenna is easy. BB7V Operation Instructions To use the antenna properly, read these instructions thoroughly before using it. Keep this manual carefully at hand for later use. Warning (D The places where the antenna is installed are restricted by local state and federal law. Install the antenna at the specified and safe places.

The Diamond Antenna Division of RF Parts Co. will repair or replace, at its option, products it deems Diamond's BB7V multiband vertical antenna provides. The Diamond BB7V and BB6W (see lower down this page) also use a lossy Unun but But if the installation instructions relating to earth radials. BB7V. Operation Instructions. Downloaded by. www.doorway.ru DIAMOND. ANTENNA. • Parts name (number). To use the antenna properly, read these instructions.


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