Crate GFXH. Publié le 03/31/02 à Paid $ from Guitar Center. I bought this unit at least a year or two ago, I basically was looking for an affordable halfstack but with enough crunch and gain to fullfill my sound needed for my metal band. Just about everything on this head is great. watts is loud enough for most people 4/5(2). · The Crate GFX is built very well for a small watt amp head, aside from the soldering the amp is tough, maybe Crate and LOUD Technologies can figure out some thing to stop the solder joints from cracking% of the Crate amps I work on (new and old) have soldering issues. The Crate GFX amps kill the Marshall MGDFX amps. · CRATE GXH Owner's Manual. With this manual You'll learn how to set up and use Your CRATE GXH. The manual describes functions of GXH, tells how to use it correctly and includes instructions on maintanance. Owner's manual usually has installation instructions, set up guide, adjustment tips, trubleshooting guide and specification sheet.4/5(1).
Just a small demo of the Crate GFX H. /1 15V AC, 50/60Hz, 95V A; V AC, 50/60Hz, 95V A. Size and Weight /2” H x /2” W x 1 1” D, 25 lbs. The GTH is covered with a durable T olex material: wipe it clean with a lint-free cloth. Never spray cleaning agents onto the cabinet. Avoid abrasive cleansers which would damage the finish. Page 1 OWNER’S MANUAL Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of the Crate GFXH guitar amplifier. This rugged amp head combines outstanding features with serious clean and distorted sounds. An easy to operate DSP section lets you dial in a variety of digital effects such as delay, flange, chorus and reverb –.
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